Friday, October 15, 2010

The amazing Ipad

Check out this link to a Wall Street Journal article about children with special needs using the Ipad for communication. Since Natalie's communication device just got denied by insurance and medicaid, an Ipad could be in Natalie's future. (Although I will be appealing the medicaid denial).


  1. that was a cool article! I hope medicaid reverses their decision!

  2. Keep appealling! I'm surprised Medicaid denied it, unless it was because it is a Prenke-Romich product, and they want her to have a Dynavox (or whatever the cheaper alternative is). I know several people who have one paid for by Medicaid! We appealled 4 times to one insurance company for my daughter's, changed insurance co's the next year, and got it in 6 months (she doesn't have Medicaid). Good Luck. Nat looks great!- Kim, one of the RMH NICU nurses who took care of Nat.

  3. Also- the same program that works on the IPad, works on the IPod, something like ProloqueToGo (?). I thought we were going to have to go this route. Kim (again)

  4. Hi Kim,
    I don't know if you will come back and read this or not but in case you do I wanted to thank you for your comments. I ended up getting Natalie the ipad and am working on figuring out how to set up proloquo2go so she can use it (need to figure out some sort of keyguard so she can more accurately chose the correct word/picture). Still hoping to get the Vantage Lite eventually but I couldn't stand her not having a way to communicate now that she seems to have so much to say! Thanks for your input. Glad your daughter was able to get her device. If you wouldn't mind giving me your e-mail address I'd love to "talk" more. Take care!

  5. Jeanne- I would love to chat! I've tried to respond here twice, but it never came through. How can I get you my e-mail address? I wonder if my post didn't go through because I put mine in my response. Hope to hear from you soon! Kim

  6. Hi Kim!
    My e-mail address is jeannemhall(at)gmail(dot)com
    I think maybe blogger blocks addresses to prevent spam so that's why I wrote it this way. just e-mail when you get a chance!
