Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Natalie went off on the bus this morning for her first day of Kindergarten.  She just got her wheelchair last week and will be using it on the bus and for field trips or traveling longer distances in school or in the community.  My plan is to have her in this chair AS LITTLE as possible since she has been making great progress with walking.  She's such a big girl. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


As you can see, Natalie knows how to spell her name (I had to shorten the video to send it so the N at the beginning got cut off).  She did it right before this perfectly but of course I did not get that on video.  In order to get this video I had to bribe her with chocolate chips. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Walking Progress

Natalie's been practicing walking without her walker in therapy. She's doing an awesome job. I love the way she's chatting away while she walks. Not sure what she's saying but I think she's proud of herself and so am I!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pool day

We spent a fun afternoon at the pool this week with Heidi and her kids (minus Josiah who was off at camp).  Natalie had sooo much fun.  It was great to hang out with friends and splash around in the water.